quelic – PIPES BCN http://pipes.hangar.org Participatory Investigation of Public Engagin Spaces Fri, 07 Aug 2015 09:28:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.5.2 #EDCD en Medialab: “La interfaz es política, el diseño es subjetivo y el usuario lo ignora” http://pipes.hangar.org/notes-about-the-talk-la-interfaz-es-politica-el-diseno-es-subjetivo-y-el-usuario-lo-ignora/ http://pipes.hangar.org/notes-about-the-talk-la-interfaz-es-politica-el-diseno-es-subjetivo-y-el-usuario-lo-ignora/#comments Thu, 05 Mar 2015 16:59:19 +0000 http://pipes.hangar.org/?p=483 Este artículo contiene información sobre la conferencia que se dio en MediaLab Prado el día 5/3/2015 en el marco de las jornadas #EDCD (Encuentro de Diseño y Cultura Digital).

Enlace a la pagina de MediaLab Prado

Vídeo de la charla (enlace al video en la web de Medialab Prado)

Enlace a la web oficial de #EDCD

Aquí el podcast de Siglo21 de Radio3 donde Quelic Berga comenta sobre la interfaz a partir del minuto 37:


Apuntes y enlaces:

Crítica de la interfaz:

Pold Soren

Paper de Pold Soren sobre como afecta a condiciona a la escritura la metáfora de “oficina” usada en microsoft office y sus parecidos.


Considering your tools


Marshall McLuhan

Libro que analiza el impacto del medio por encima del mensaje.


George Lakoff & Mark Johnson

El libro “Metaphors We Live By” explica el poder de las metáforas.


Y aquí un ejemplo de una metáfora visual para organizar la información

Introducing Facebook Timeline

Metáforas de productividad són muy comunes en google, facebook y otras plataformas que siguen el mismo modelo.

Apple anunciando porque 1984 no sera como 1984

El Diseño es emocional y subjetivo

Donald Norman

Libro que explica la importancia de lo emocional en un buen diseño.


Hugo Roy -> Terms and conditions Didn’t Read

Plugin para Firefox para recibir información simplificada sobre los T&C de las webs visitadas.


Entrevista a Hugo Roy


Paper de Facebook sobre un experimento a 70000 usuarios

Experimental evidence of massive-scale emotional contagion through social networks


Y una notícia del pais sobre el tema:


Proyectos Artisticos:

Benjamin Grosser – Facebook Demetricator


Paper sobre el proyecto de Benjamin Grosser, Facebook Demetricator


Y vídeo explicativo del plugin

Que podemos hacer?

Apoyar iniciativas que respetan las libertades del usuario y la diversidad:


Usar herramientas y apoyar herramientas que sean más coherentes con nuestra visión cultural. Por ejemplo el buscador DuckDuckGo, similar a Google, pero que no guarda ningún dato tuyo:


La fundación Mozilla esta trabajando para crear proyectos mejores para todos y aquí su manifiesto:


Compartir nuestras dudas y visiones, aunque parezcan distintas de las de la mayoría puede que muchas personas piensen igual que tu en ciertos aspectos.

Bibliografía del proyecto

Puedes encontrar más en el menú de Bibliografía.

http://pipes.hangar.org/notes-about-the-talk-la-interfaz-es-politica-el-diseno-es-subjetivo-y-el-usuario-lo-ignora/feed/ 1
Interface dictatorship http://pipes.hangar.org/interface-dictatorship/ http://pipes.hangar.org/interface-dictatorship/#comments Thu, 17 Apr 2014 09:43:41 +0000 http://pipes.hangar.org/?p=101 Interfaces are increasingly becoming our mean to relate to reality. Interfaces are entrance points, contact surfaces and spaces of creation. They are designed, and therefore they are not neutral. Each interface, in fact, is a space of power and it involves preconceptions of human models.

There’s a subjacent ideology, with it’s ethical, political and aesthetic principles which are imposed to the user. This is done in many different ways, for example the use of icons and metaphors, the composition of the information, the choice of a color palette, or the navigation preferences. Taking this into account, we wonder if the interface may be considered as a dictatorship, and which is the space left for alternatives and dissidence.

Several agents like companies, organizations, designers, coders, users and communities convergein the interface. Although in different levels and intensities, these agents determine the interface, as well as the interfaces determine them.

The landscape where this (often invisible) relations takes place is an artificial environment, and therefore designed. According to the interface objectives, rules and uses are set. When building it, limitations and behavioural strategies are dictated, often under the illusion of freedom and transparency.

However, the interface is, above all, a meeting point between two systems (in the case of user interface, between a machine and a human). Interfaces allow the use of complex tools, and in this process, the user delegates part of the machine controlto the designer of this communication bridge. In the mediation of this relation, ablack-boxingis established: the interface hides a series of processes, and it is in this opacity where the power often is rooted. But, who are the agents that have this power? Which strategies they use? Are this agents aware of their own power?

Considering the way that most of the interfaces are constructed, the average user has the impression of being interacting within a neutral and intimate environment, when inevitably is being conditioned and monitorized by several systems. Is the user being used? Is the user co-participating? Or is the user really under control? Are we aware of which implications might these different models have on our means of interacting with the interface?

And in the same direction, and taking in account that this spaces are controlled agoraswhere several agents converge (organizations, users, machines): how do interfaces condition the communitiesthat use them?

Many internet platforms are feed by the users, generating a value out of it, but these users are rarely aware of their role as data generators. So, are interfacesfair enoughat the moment to show the importance, value and sometimes profitthat is being created by users?

And last but not least: taking all this in consideration, is it possible to visualize these power relations? How dissidence can be developed in this space?


http://pipes.hangar.org/interface-dictatorship/feed/ 3