Tag Archives: Interface Dictatorship

25 Aug

Hugo Roy interview @ Mosaic magazine

As part of the collaboration between Hangar and UOC, Mosaic magazine, an online publication created on the framework of Multimedia Degree and Multimedia Apps Masters of UOC, has published an interview to Hugo Roy.

Mosaic focuses on the link between interaction, design, web, apps and videogames developing, and therefore is interested in the issues worked in PIPES.

Hugo Roy’s interview (in spanish) is related to its participation to the Interface Dictatorship Roundtable, and reflects on the terms and conditions of the services we use in internet.

21 Jun

Interface Dictatorship materials

As part of participation in the roundtable, speakers provided a range of materials to deepen the theme of the interface as a space of power. Then you can consult the presentations shown during the discussion and the texts written by the speakers for this occasion.

Mayo Fuster

Interface Dictatorship (Governance) – Presentation

Digital Interaction: Online Creation Communities – Text Read More

18 Jun

Interface Dictatorship: mesa redonda

Como parte de la investigación realizada en PIPES_BCN, el martes 27 de mayo se llevó a cabo en Hangar una mesa redonda que buscó indagar en una aproximación crítica sobre la idea de interfaz gráfica de usuario.

Teniendo en cuenta los focos de interés de la investigación, se invitó a participar a Mayo Fuster, Marga Padilla, Hugo Roy y Carlos Scolari, con la moderación de Andreu Belsunces.

Antes de iniciar el debate, Tere Badía, directora de Hangar, presentó el proyecto PIPES en el marco del centro, y explicó que es una de las semillas para crear proyectos de investigación transdisciplinarios, transuniversitarios –en este caso están involucrados UOC y BAU- y buscadamente problematizadores.

Tras esto, se introdujo la idea de interfaz como un espacio de poder, sobre la cual se dialogaría durante las dos siguientes horas. Read More

17 Apr

Interface dictatorship

Interfaces are increasingly becoming our mean to relate to reality. Interfaces are entrance points, contact surfaces and spaces of creation. They are designed, and therefore they are not neutral. Each interface, in fact, is a space of power and it involves preconceptions of human models.

There’s a subjacent ideology, with it’s ethical, political and aesthetic principles which are imposed to the user. This is done in many different ways, for example the use of icons and metaphors, the composition of the information, the choice of a color palette, or the navigation preferences. Taking this into account, we wonder if the interface may be considered as a dictatorship, and which is the space left for alternatives and dissidence. Read More


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