All posts by Andreu Belsunce

18 Jun

Interface Dictatorship: mesa redonda

Como parte de la investigación realizada en PIPES_BCN, el martes 27 de mayo se llevó a cabo en Hangar una mesa redonda que buscó indagar en una aproximación crítica sobre la idea de interfaz gráfica de usuario.

Teniendo en cuenta los focos de interés de la investigación, se invitó a participar a Mayo Fuster, Marga Padilla, Hugo Roy y Carlos Scolari, con la moderación de Andreu Belsunces.

Antes de iniciar el debate, Tere Badía, directora de Hangar, presentó el proyecto PIPES en el marco del centro, y explicó que es una de las semillas para crear proyectos de investigación transdisciplinarios, transuniversitarios –en este caso están involucrados UOC y BAU- y buscadamente problematizadores.

Tras esto, se introdujo la idea de interfaz como un espacio de poder, sobre la cual se dialogaría durante las dos siguientes horas. Read More

23 May

Art Matters: New Materialism @Hangar

“The strength of new materialism is precisely this nomadic traversing of the territories of science and the humanities, performing the agential or non- innocent nature of all matterthat seems to have escaped both modernist (positivist) and postmodernist humanist epistemologies”.

The occidental thought tradition is mainly based in dualities. Many philosophers have criticized this binary logic, settled with the beginning of the modern project. However, this more systemically or net-oriented way to perceive the world has been peripheral until this last years.

Taking advantage of the convergence of interests with PIPES researchers, this Tuesday 20th of May, Hangar hosted for the first time the seminar Art Matters, lead by the philosopher Pau Alsina. The seminar has been held for two yearsand a half, and it turns arround about breaking down the barriers between learning, reflection and making: it depicts and reflects the need to create convergence zones between the own investigation and the artistic practice. Read More


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